Monday, January 30, 2012

India - The next place I hope to travel to...

India is the one place in the world that for some reason I have always wanted to go.  Why? I am always asked why. The answer is simple – I want to see the Taj Mahal! But more than that, there is something that draws me to this location. Some friends that have known me for a very long like have been quoted “We would stand in the street and look at the surrounds and say 'yuck – get me out of here'... You Shelley would stand in the street breathe in and think wow what an experience, how is this going to change my life!” To me – This is a reason: Life experience and challenge. One very true and honest friend is seriously concerned about my intended trip to the country that is India, however this makes me that little more stubborn, and determined to make it happen!

Considering I really know nothing about this country except for my viewing of some documentaries, some light reading and the movie Slum Dog millionaire (it was based on a true story – I think!)I have a lot to learn before my intended travel. But a challenge that I want to take, and hope I enjoy!

Good luck with your research – enjoy!

On the 100 places to see before you die list:

One version of The Caste System: